What do you want for our Bridgeport?

Part of the purpose for this blog is to gather you’re  statement of your needs, thoughts, aspirations and interest as a Bridgeport’s resident that can be summed up as “What do you want for our Bridgeport?”.

I see that this is one way for ‘we’ the residents of Bridgeport CT, to vocalize and document our interest for a better Bridgeport.  If you are a Bridgeport resident, your comments are more than welcomed and actually sought for here!

As a Bridgeport resident, your constructive participation is appreciated.  But criticism, finger pointing, bad language, racist comments, vitriol, are not welcomed as not considered constructive for the residents of Bridgeport.  Please allow me to give an analogy of what I mean –

George my car, named after George Washington, I really like a lot.  I’d have to check if George is a 94 or 95, could use a paint job and a little body work, but still George is a good car.  A lot of birds like him to.  But the birds like him for different reasons.

After washing George which took a number of pails of water yesterday, a bunch of bird brains took target practice on him again.  George is not a politician, but the bird brains treat him that way.


Bird brains we simply do not need here, and comments like the target practice that George is subjected to, won’t help the future of our Bridgeport.

We all got brains, so let’s use them here for bettering out Bridgeport. Your comments will be reviewed in as timely a manner as feasible and posted for public review.

If there is a straight forward solution that comes to mind, propose that also. It’s my nature to look for workable solutions so you can count on me taking an interest to work a solution too. An example is the post about the Children of Bridgeport that follows!

Its actually a letter I sent out to over 300 email addresses that included every church, parish, masque, synagogue, temple , places of worship, community centers that I could find, the Bridgeport city council, Mayor Finch, the CT post and even more as recipients. So let’s as residents work together for a better Bridgeport as you can count on me !

With my genuine respect and interest for your needs, your family’s, your thoughts, aspirations and desire for a better Bridgeport,

Yours Truly,

Orion Karl Daley

About the Children of Bridgeport


Dear Neighbor:

Today when washing my car that I call George, a gentleman drove by enjoying his radio. He stopped to introduce himself. His name was Edwin.

We talked for a few moments, and then I asked ‘what do you want for our Bridgeport?’  He answered ‘to benefit the children’. He noted that kids were limited in places to go, and things to do on the weekends in Bridgeport.

I thought about it for a little bit, and also, that there are various religions and ethnicities in Bridgeport.  There are Christians, Muslims, Jews, and perhaps even Hindu’s and Buddhists. I do assume that people of all faiths have children and that there are programs for kids in Bridgeport.

Maybe you already are doing this in different capacities, but my wife Carolyn and I are new in town, so please allow me to propose an idea for the children of Bridgeport. That is, without thinking that I am presumptuous.

Simply, the idea is to enable the children to play together.  You might have thought about this too! So to accomplish this, I ask all neighbors addressed, and those that you might forward this too, to consider reaching out to each other.

I ask you to reach out in order to arrange, not segregated, but integrated teams of kids from various walks of life and diversity for volley ball, Frisbee throwing, softball and other like sports that do not require complexity in organization or actual costs besides what your place of worship maybe normally provide as a lunch for children; and perhaps Freebees, softballs, mitts and bats, and things like that which could even be in your basements.

There are parks in Bridgeport, so of course kids need to get to them. Parents need to attend if they can too! Bridgeport being a small enough town, if some permit is required, I would think that you all know how to reach out to the right people such as even your city council person if need be.

Bridgeport City Council: http://www.bridgeportct.gov/content/89019/89823/89848.aspx

Perhaps have a meeting about it. In other words, in order to get started and plan weekend or other day curriculums.   I first look at people as people, and recognize the right to ones religion, cultural protocols and core beliefs; and I am sure that you do too.


So what real bridges have to be crossed to reach out to each other?

I believe that we do not need to actually speak of our unique views to each other, but instead to demonstrate in action how we respect the dignity of human rights in how we regard each other. In action, the children of Bridgeport can see role models that can really get together.  And that is no matter who, as neighbors, we are.

Further there are lots of folks that have children that necessarily do not attend a religious following.  So heck, why not reach out to them too. All kids are kids.

What’s most important, the kids can have a great time playing together on hot summer days.  That is, instead of a lot of things they could end up doing. They also get to know and learn about each other, and most of all, that everyone in their own diversity is a special human being.

Thanks for reading this, and hope that you all will give what I propose your genuine and heartfelt consideration,

Sincerely Yours,

Orion Karl Daley