Eden of Industry

Form Wiki on Bdigeport

Good Morning Bridgeport!:

When thinking of Bridgeport, that in its history, that it was like the Eden of Industry, I asked myself five questions this morning. I saw that structured finance, and competent management were key in answering them.

1- Why isn’t Bridgeport a major sea port for imports and exports with rail lines reaching out to the national rail roads ?

From CT Post

2- Why isn’t urban Farming actualized in Bridgeport that can serve Bridgeport, Connecticut, the nation as well as for exports from Bridgeport’s water ports ?

3- Why aren’t there highly skilled industries and financial institutions taking root in Bridgeport where calling for less skilled industries to serve them, and even non skill labor to serve them?

4- Why is’nt infrastructure maintained, rejuvenated, and new additions constructed ?

5- What is Bridgeport, if not an Eden for Industry ?

I see that we can bring Bridgeport into the twenty first century as a major economic north east hub given the raw materials made available, the ability to enable industry, and to finance infrastructure.

Proof of vision – 

Depicted below is an example of an Urban Farming System located at Barnum and Sea View where currently there is nothing but wastelands. Small barges can reach its port. Please also notice to the right the business development along the I95 corridor.

Given smart financing for the City, where industry can leverage its tax exposure, allows liquidity to move in the Bridgeport Community. With municipal bonds, eventually, much of tax focus can be transferred to addressing long term debt, as opposed to feeding a floating budget caught in a shell game.

Further, we can put the people of Bridgeport to work, where in becoming active tax payers, lowers taxes across the board.

Foreclosures become reduced where sustaining the value of property, where not being a boat anchor to the banking systems. Fixed tax value on property is thus maintained.

People can also put food on their tables and finance better education systems.

The city can even work on joint projects with industry to bring technology schools to the city.

We can add much more when improving the Debt Equity Ratio for Bridgeport. Its simply a matter of course, when putting the economy to work for us –

No boom and bust bubbles are needed here when we put smart financing to work – Got to Votes and have your voice !

Thanks for reading this,

Orion Karl Daley

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